The collected amount of being-raised tokens
IDO address
Transaction hash txId
and the associated address dstAddress
that receives the being-sold tokens
Derive ticket address
Owner address of the ticket account
Corresponding ido address to the ticket account
Ticket account address
Get ido data
IDO account address
Readable json data respect to FARM_SCHEMA
Get ticket data
Ticket account address
Readable json data respect to FARM_SCHEMA
Initialize an IDO
The number of being-sold tokens in the IDO
Start date of IDO
The end of phase #1 and start of phase #2
-End of the IDO
The unlock date that users can redeem the being-sold tokens
Mint address for selling
Mint address for raising
Transaction hash txId
and IDO address idoAddress
Initialize a ticket
IDO address
Transaction hash txId
and ticket address ticketAddress
Parse ido buffer data
Buffer data (raw data) that you get by connection.getAccountInfo
Readable json data respect to FARM_SCHEMA
Parse ticket buffer data
Buffer data (raw data) that you get by connection.getAccountInfo
Readable json data respect to FARM_SCHEMA
Redeem being-sold tokens from the pool (The action must be done after the IDO ends)
IDO address
Transaction hash txId
and the associated address dstAddress
that receives the being-sold tokens
Seed more being-sold tokens into the pool (The action must be done before the IDO starts)
Additional amount
IDO address
Transaction hash txId
Stake being-raised tokens into the pool (The action must be done during the phase #1 of the IDO only)
Additional amount
IDO address
Transaction hash txId
and ticket address ticketAddress
Transfer ido's ownership
IDO address
New owner address
Transaction hash txId
Unseed less being-sold tokens from the pool (The action must be done before the IDO starts)
Subtractive amount
IDO address
Transaction hash txId
Unstake being-raised tokens from the pool (The action must be done during both the phase #1 and #2 of the IDO)
Subtractive amount
IDO address
Transaction hash txId
and ticket address ticketAddress
Unwatch a watcher by watch id
The watchId was returned by watch function.
Watch account changes
The callback will be called when there is any change
GetProgramAccountsFilter - Ref:
Watch id
Generated using TypeDoc
Collect being-raised tokens from the pool (The action must be done after the IDO ends)
IDO owner only